Listful Andrew
`(emacs lisp bash ,@functional-programming)
Regular posts
- Hash tables look better in Emacs 30
- map.el vs. other libraries through hundreds of examples
- seq.el vs. other libraries through hundreds of examples
- The art of replacing long lambdas III: nested anaphoras and threading annoyances
- The art of replacing long lambdas II: llamas vs. anaphorics in dash and xht
- The art of replacing long lambdas I: llamas, anaphorics, and combinators
- Democratize can now import shortdoc, bringing demos of native Emacs functions
- Dot-bind any key–value thing in Emacs Lisp
- So you want to destructure some hash tables, huh?
- Embracing Emacs Lisp hash tables: introducing XHT
- Binary search in two dozen lines of Bash: concise but much too slow
- Phones-to-Words Challenge III: Comparing runtimes of Bash and Emacs Lisp
- Phones-to-Words Challenge II: Bash as a horribly-slow-but-surprisingly-concise alternative to Lisp and Java
- Phones-to-Words Challenge I: Emacs Lisp as an alternative to Java
- FizzBuzz Obsessions III: Battles in the vast underexplored world of Bash FizzBuzzing
- FizzBuzz Obsessions II: A short adventure in Functional FizzBuzzing
- FizzBuzz Obsessions I: An introduction, and some softcore Functional Reactive FizzBuzzing
- Counting Words IV: Using Org tables for benchmarking
- Counting Words III: Many solutions in Emacs Lisp
- Counting Words II: Bash (piped Unix tools, actually)
- Counting Words I: Introduction
- Designing a deck of cards in Bash with a functional programming approach
- Absolute integers: Bash's ternary operator and other oddities
- Enjoying Lisp-like quasiquotation in Bash
- Lisp-ish macros in Bash (sort of)
- Hello world!
Emacs packages
- Splurge — Track your expenses with a simple Org table
- Sparkly Stats — Stats and sparks from daily data
- Sparkly — Create multiline sparks ▁▂▆▄▃▇▅
- Exemplify-Eval — Create arrowified examples from sexps
- Exemplify-Align — Align examples' arrows
- Democratize — Populate your help buffers with usage examples
- XHT — The extensive hash table library
- OrgReadme-fy — from your library's functions and tests
- Exemplify-ERT — Clean examples that double as ERT declarations
- Fancy Joiner — Join/split lines like a pro in Bash, Org, and more
- Fold and Focus — Focused navigation of Org and Emacs Lisp files
- Org B64 — Base64-encode files into Org for easy sharing
- Org Reflect — Mirror source code from files into Org Src blocks