So you want to destructure some hash tables, huh?

There are many ways to do that. I show some, which mostly use one of:

In the examples that follow, flat hash tables are represented with xht's h*, which evaluates to the native format, whereas 2D hash tables are shown as Org tables (which are easier to visualize) — then converted with h<-orgtbl.

All examples return the exact same string: "Alice uses Emacs!"

1D hash tables

Longer: a regular lookup

(let* ((htbl  (h* "Alice" "Emacs"
                  "Bob"   "Vim"
                  "Emily" "Nano"))
       (Alice (h-get htbl "Alice")))
  (format "%s uses %s!" "Alice" Alice))

Simpler: using XHT's h-let

(let ((htbl  (h* "Alice" "Emacs"
                 "Bob"   "Vim"
                 "Emily" "Nano")))
  (h-let htbl
    (format "%s uses %s!" "Alice" .Alice)))

Or: using s-format

(let ((htbl  (h* "Alice" "Emacs"
                 "Bob"   "Vim"
                 "Emily" "Nano")))
  (s-format "Alice uses ${Alice}!"
            'gethash htbl))

Or: using Dash's -let


(-let* ((htbl (h* "Alice" "Emacs"
                  "Bob"   "Vim"
                  "Emily" "Nano"))
        ((&hash "Alice") htbl))
  (format "%s uses %s!" "Alice" Alice))

Binding 'editor

using format
(-let* ((htbl (h* "Alice" "Emacs"
                  "Bob"   "Vim"
                  "Emily" "Nano"))
        ((&hash "Alice" editor) htbl))
  (format "%s uses %s!" "Alice" editor))
using s-lex-format
(-let* ((htbl (h* "Alice" "Emacs"
                  "Bob"   "Vim"
                  "Emily" "Nano"))
        ((&hash "Alice" editor) htbl))
  (s-lex-format "Alice uses ${editor}!"))


(-let [(&hash "Alice" editor)
       (h* "Alice" "Emacs"
           "Bob"   "Vim"
           "Emily" "Nano")]
  (s-lex-format "Alice uses ${editor}!"))


(--> (h* "Alice" "Emacs"
         "Bob"   "Vim"
         "Emily" "Nano")
     (-let [(&hash "Alice" editor) it]
       (s-lex-format "Alice uses ${editor}!")))


(--> (h* "Alice" "Emacs"
         "Bob"   "Vim"
         "Emily" "Nano")
     (-let [editor (h-get it "Alice")]
       (s-lex-format "Alice uses ${editor}!")))


(--> (h* "Alice" "Emacs"
         "Bob"   "Vim"
         "Emily" "Nano")
     (let ((editor (h-get it "Alice")))
       (s-lex-format "Alice uses ${editor}!")))

2D hash tables

Longer: a regular lookup

(let* ((orgtbl "| id | name  | age | editor |
                | 01 | Alice |  42 | Emacs  |
                | 02 | Bob   |  30 | Vim    |
                | 03 | Emily |  21 | Nano   |")
       (htbl   (h<-orgtbl orgtbl))
       (name   (h-get* htbl "01" "name"))
       (editor (h-get* htbl "01" "editor")))
  (format "%s uses %s!" name editor))

Simpler: using XHT's h-let

(let* ((orgtbl "| id | name  | age | editor |
                | 01 | Alice |  42 | Emacs  |
                | 02 | Bob   |  30 | Vim    |
                | 03 | Emily |  21 | Nano   |")
       (htbl   (h<-orgtbl orgtbl)))
  (h-let htbl
    (format "%s uses %s!" .01.editor)))

Or: using s-format and h-get

(let* ((orgtbl "| id | name  | age | editor |
                | 01 | Alice |  42 | Emacs  |
                | 02 | Bob   |  30 | Vim    |
                | 03 | Emily |  21 | Nano   |")
       (htbl   (h<-orgtbl orgtbl)))
  (s-format "${name} uses ${editor}!"
            (h-get htbl "01")))

Or: using Dash's -let

Binding 'name and 'editor

using format
(-let* ((orgtbl "| id | name  | age | editor |
                 | 01 | Alice |  42 | Emacs  |
                 | 02 | Bob   |  30 | Vim    |
                 | 03 | Emily |  21 | Nano   |")
        (htbl   (h<-orgtbl orgtbl))
        ((&hash "01" (&hash "name" "editor")) htbl))
  (format "%s uses %s!" name editor))
using s-lex-format
(--> "| id | name  | age | editor |
      | 01 | Alice |  42 | Emacs  |
      | 02 | Bob   |  30 | Vim    |
      | 03 | Emily |  21 | Nano   |"
     (-let [(&hash "01" (&hash "name" "editor")) it]
       (s-lex-format "${name} uses ${editor}!")))