Fold and Focus — Focused navigation of Org and Emacs Lisp files (Emacs package)

Below you find the latest version of (1) the package's README and (2) its main source file.

For the git repository and issues tracker, see the project's page on

For more packages, see Software.

(Note: if you're seeing this as a local instead of online as HTML, the animated gifs may not be rendered properly, and the images may be altogether missing.)


Fold and Focus helps you navigate Org files and Emacs Lisp files with focused attention: one thing at a time.


Figure 1: Regular fold-and-focus in Org Mode

Whenever you move forward or backward, it:

  1. Folds everything.
  2. Expands only the body of the heading you’re currently in.
  3. (Optionally narrow to this subtree.)
  4. Keeps the heading always at a fixed distance from the top of the window.
    (default: 2 lines when not narrowed, but you can change that).

For this to work with Emacs Lisp files, you need to have the Outshine package installed. It gives you an Org Mode look and feel, with colored headings and the possibility to fold and expand Elisp levels as if you were in Org Mode.


In both modes, you can optionally also narrow to the subtree you’re currently on.

Figure 2: Fancy-narrowed fold-and-focus in Emacs Lisp mode

This can be done with:

  1. regular narrowing, which will actually try recursive-narrowing, if you have it; or
  2. fancy-narrowing

None of these external packages are required if you want it only for Org Mode and are satisfied with regular narrowing or non-narrowing.

Personally, the one I use the most in Org is the non-narrowing version: it’s faster, keeps the bullets-over-asterisks overlays, and still shows me enough context. Reading Org files has become much nicer with that — as did Emacs Lisp, after I adapted it. In Elisp, fancy-narrow often.

By defun

Finally, there’re functions for navigation by defun, which always keeps its beginning at exactly the same screen position and, optionally, narrows to it.

Figure 3: Navigating by defun in Emacs Lisp mode


See my page Software for the most up-to-date instructions on how to download and install any of my Emacs packages.

Having downloaded and installed the package and its dependencies, adapt the configurations below to your init.el file.

(use-package fold-and-focus
  :demand t
  :after  (:and org outshine)
  :bind   (:map org-mode-map
           ("M-["  . fold-and-focus-previous)                  ; In Org I use these more.
           ("M-]"  . fold-and-focus-next)                      ;
           ("s-["  . fold-and-focus-previous-fancy)
           ("s-]"  . fold-and-focus-next-fancy)
           :map outshine-mode-map
           ("M-["  . fold-and-focus-previous)                  ; In Elisp, these...
           ("M-]"  . fold-and-focus-next)                      ;
           ("s-["  . fold-and-focus-previous-fancy)
           ("s-]"  . fold-and-focus-next-fancy)
           ("s-;"  . fold-and-focus-read-previous-defun-fancy) ; ...and these
           ("s-'"  . fold-and-focus-read-next-defun-fancy)     ;
           ("s-:"  . fold-and-focus-read-previous-defun)
           ("s-\"" . fold-and-focus-read-next-defun)))

Then you may want to add these to the variable org-speed-commands-user:

("[" fold-and-focus-previous)
("]" fold-and-focus-next)
(";" fold-and-focus-previous-fancy)
("'" fold-and-focus-next-fancy)

Your outshine, if you use it, needs to have something like this:

(use-package outshine
  :demand t
  :after  (:or outline org-mode)
  :hook   ((emacs-lisp-mode lisp-mode) . outshine-mode))

And then add something like this to outshine-speed-commands-user:

("[" . fold-and-focus-previous)                   ; I use these more...
("]" . fold-and-focus-next)                       ;
("{" . fold-and-focus-previous-fancy)
("}" . fold-and-focus-next-fancy)
(";" . fold-and-focus-read-previous-defun-fancy)  ; ...and these
("'" . fold-and-focus-read-next-defun-fancy)      ;

These keys only work when you are exactly at the beginning of a heading: asterisks in org, 3+ semicolons in Emacs Lisp.

Alternative if you don’t have ‘use-package’:

(require 'fold-and-focus)

and bind keys accordingly. (I recommend use-package, though.)

Note that to get out of the fancy or regular narrowing, either navigate with a non-narrowing key or run M-x widen — which you can variously map, and defaults to w in the speed commands. Oh, and ? at speed commands shows you all keys available. Try it.

Technical notes

Do you use fancy-narrow? There seems to be a bug when saving buffers while fancy-narrowed.

If you have this problem, I wrote this function and advice, which solved it for me. You may want to try it and, if it works, add it to your init.el.

(defun fold-and-focus-save-buffer-detecting-fancy-narrow (orig-fun &optional args)
  "Detects if you’re fancy-narrowed before saving."
  (if (not (and (fboundp 'fancy-narrow-active-p)
      (apply orig-fun args)
        (let ((b fancy-narrow--beginning)
              (e fancy-narrow--end))
              (apply orig-fun args)
            (fancy-narrow-to-region b e)))))))

(advice-add 'save-buffer :around


See my page Software for information about how to contribute to any of my Emacs packages.



Fold and Focus Breaking News

To help preserve separation of namespaces, the prefixes of Fold and Focus's functions and variables have all changed from ‘fnf-’ to ‘fold-and-focus-’.

There's nothing to do if:

  • this is your first install of Fold and Focus or
  • you haven't customized any variables, nor bound keys

If, however, you have added anywhere (for example, in your init.el) settings that use the old prefix, simply update them to use the new prefix. Just replace ‘fnf-’ with ‘fold-and-focus-’.

You may also want to have a look at customizations you may have made in Fold and Focus group. Use either of:

  • M-x customize-group RET fold-and-focus RET
  • (customize-group "fold-and-focus") ;<--C-x C-e

Note: The old symbols have for now been marked as obsolete and aliased to the new ones to avoid any sudden breakage. However, these aliases may be removed without further notice. So if any of the adjustments above apply to you, better do them already, before new releases.

New commands brought by this version
  • fold-and-focus-see-news ()
  • fold-and-focus-see-readme (&optional heading narrow)


This project follows the REUSE Specification (FAQ), which in turn is built upon SPDX.

Therefore, license and copyright information can be found in:

  • each file's comment header, or
  • an adjacent file of the same name with the additional extension .license, or
  • the .reuse/dep5 file

The full text of the licenses can be found in the LICENSES subdirectory.



;;; fold-and-focus.el --- Focused navigation of Org and Emacs Lisp files -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;;; For all the details, please do see the README
;;; Acknowledgments:
;;; Code:
;;;; Libraries
;;;; Obsolete symbols
;;;; Symbols from other packages
;;;; Package metadata
;;;; Customizable variables
;;;; Functions
;;;;; Borrowed
;;;;; Auxiliary
;;;;; Core
;;;;;; Specific to Emacs Lisp
;;;;;; For both modes
;;;;; The ones to keybind
;;;;;; Navigation by subtree
;;;;;; Navigation by defuns
;;;;; See README
;;;;; See News
;;;; Wrapping up
;;; fold-and-focus.el ends here


;;; fold-and-focus.el --- Focused navigation of Org and Emacs Lisp files -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © flandrew <>

;; Author:    flandrew
;; Created:   2021-06-11
;; Updated:   2025-01-02
;; Keywords:  outlines, convenience
;; Homepage:  <>
;; Package-Version:  1.0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))

;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
;; or (at your option) any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this file. If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:
;; Fold and Focus helps you navigate Org files and Emacs Lisp files with
;; focused attention: one thing at a time. You can navigate by heading or
;; by defun, optionally narrowing to it as you go.
;;;; For all the details, please do see the README
;; Open it easily with:
;;   (find-file-read-only "")   <--- C-x C-e here¹
;; or from any buffer:
;;   M-x fold-and-focus-see-readme
;; or read it online:
;;   <>
;; ¹ or the key that ‘eval-last-sexp’ is bound to, if not C-x C-e.

;;; Acknowledgments:
;; Function ‘fold-and-focus-fancy-narrow-to-subtree’ was copied from
;; Outshine's ‘outshine-narrow-to-subtree’, and adapted with an added
;; "fancy-" prefix.
;; About outshine:
;;   SPDX-FileCopyrightText:  © Thorsten Jolitz and contributors
;;   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
;;   Author:                  Thorsten Jolitz
;;   Homepage:                <>

;;; Code:
;;;; Libraries

(require 'outline)
(require 'lisp-mnt)  ; lm-summary’, ‘lm-homepage’, ‘lm-version’, ‘lm-header

;;;; Obsolete symbols

(let ((new 'fold-and-focus)
      (old 'fnf)
      (ver "1.0.0"))

  (mapc (lambda (sym) (define-obsolete-variable-alias
                        (intern (format "%s-%s" old sym))
                        (intern (format "%s-%s" new sym)) ver))

  (mapc (lambda (sym) (define-obsolete-function-alias
                        (intern (format "%s-%s" old sym))
                        (intern (format "%s-%s" new sym)) ver))
          fold-and-show-children         reg-widen-maybe
          fold-and-read-next-entry       fancy-widen-maybe
          fold-and-read-previous-entry   fancy-narrow-to-subtree
          next                next-fancy                next-reg
          previous            previous-fancy            previous-reg
          read-next-defun     read-next-defun-fancy     read-next-defun-reg
          read-previous-defun read-previous-defun-fancy read-previous-defun-reg
          read-defun  read-entry)))

;;;; Symbols from other packages

;; Silence "not known to be defined" compiler warnings
(declare-function fancy-narrow-to-region     "ext:fancy-narrow" (start end))
(declare-function fancy-widen                "ext:fancy-narrow" ())
(declare-function outshine-narrow-to-subtree "ext:outshine"     ())
(declare-function outshine-speed-move-safe   "ext:outshine"     (cmd))

;;;; Package metadata

(defvar fold-and-focus--name "Fold and Focus")

(defvar fold-and-focus--dot-el
  (format "%s.el" (file-name-sans-extension (eval-and-compile
                                              (or load-file-name
(defvar fold-and-focus--readme-org
  (expand-file-name "" (file-name-directory fold-and-focus--dot-el)))

(defvar fold-and-focus--summary  (lm-summary   fold-and-focus--dot-el))
(defvar fold-and-focus--homepage (lm-homepage  fold-and-focus--dot-el))
(defvar fold-and-focus--version  (lm-with-file fold-and-focus--dot-el
                                   (or (lm-header "package-version")

;;;; Customizable variables

(defgroup fold-and-focus nil
  (format "%s." fold-and-focus--summary)
  :group 'convenience
  :link  '(emacs-library-link :tag "Lisp file" "fold-and-focus.el")
  :link  `(file-link :tag "" ,fold-and-focus--readme-org)
  :link  `(url-link  :tag "Homepage"   ,fold-and-focus--homepage))

(defcustom fold-and-focus-recenter-position 2
  "Number of lines from the top of the window where focused headings will be."
  :package-version '(fold-and-focus "1.0.0")
  :group 'fold-and-focus
  :type  'integer)

;;;; Functions
;;;;; Borrowed

;; From ‘outshine-narrow-to-subtree’, with added "fancy-" prefix.
(defun fold-and-focus-fancy-narrow-to-subtree ()
  "Fancy-narrow buffer to subtree at point."
  (if (outline-on-heading-p)
      (progn (outline-mark-subtree)
             (and (use-region-p)
                  (fancy-narrow-to-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))
    (message "Not at headline, cannot narrow to subtree")))

;;;;; Auxiliary

(defun fold-and-focus-fancy-widen-maybe ()
  "Decide whether to ‘fancy-widen’."
  (and (fboundp 'fancy-narrow-active-p)

(defun fold-and-focus-reg-widen-maybe ()
  "Decide whether to widen."
  (when (buffer-narrowed-p)
    (if (fboundp 'recursive-widen)

(defun fold-and-focus-check-my-mode (&optional function-name)
  "Check whether you are in a mode where fold-and-focus will work.
Optionally, give a FUNCTION-NAME in the error message."
  (or (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
      (and (memq 'outshine-mode minor-mode-list)
           (symbolp 'outshine-mode)
           (symbol-value 'outshine-mode))
      (user-error (concat "To use %s, you need to be in either "
                          "(1) elisp-mode with outshine-mode or (2) org-mode")
                  (or function-name "this command"))))

;;;;; Core
;;;;;; Specific to Emacs Lisp

(defun fold-and-focus-read-defun (&optional narrow-option)
  "In Emacs Lisp mode, focus on defun to read it.
If NARROW-OPTION is :reg or :fancy, narrow accordingly."
  (recenter-top-bottom fold-and-focus-recenter-position)
  (pcase narrow-option
    (:reg   (if (fboundp 'recursive-narrow-to-defun)
    (:fancy (when (fboundp 'fancy-narrow-to-defun)

(defun fold-and-focus-read--goto-defun (e b &optional narrow-option)
  "Go to defun ending in E and beginning in B.
If NARROW-OPTION is :reg or :fancy, narrow accordingly."
  (pcase narrow-option
    (:reg   (fold-and-focus-reg-widen-maybe))
    (:fancy (fold-and-focus-fancy-widen-maybe)))
  (end-of-defun e)
  (beginning-of-defun b)
  (when (outline-invisible-p)
    (end-of-defun e)
    (beginning-of-defun b))
  (fold-and-focus-read-defun narrow-option))

;;;;;; For both modes

(defun fold-and-focus-fold-and-show-children (&optional narrow-option)
  "Fold and show children.
If NARROW-OPTION is :reg or :fancy, narrow accordingly."
  (pcase narrow-option
    (:reg  (fold-and-focus-reg-widen-maybe)))
  (pcase major-mode
    ('emacs-lisp-mode (outshine-speed-move-safe
    ('org-mode        (outline-previous-visible-heading 1)))

(defun fold-and-focus-read-entry (&optional narrow-option)
  "Focus on entry to read it.
If NARROW-OPTION is :reg or :fancy, narrow accordingly."
  (recenter-top-bottom fold-and-focus-recenter-position)
  (pcase major-mode
    ;; Note: Ideally, it should detect whether the next thing is a defun or
    ;; on a ;;;+ commented-heading and treat the former as a subheading of the
    ;; latter. Coding this is a bit more complicated, so we’ll leave it as
    ;; just headings for now.
    ('emacs-lisp-mode (pcase narrow-option
                        (:reg   (when (fboundp 'outshine-narrow-to-subtree)
                        (:fancy (when (fboundp 'fancy-narrow-to-region)
    ('org-mode        (pcase narrow-option
                        (:reg   (if (fboundp 'recursive-narrow-or-widen-dwim)
                                  (when (fboundp 'org-narrow-to-subtree)
                        (:fancy (when (fboundp 'org-fancy-narrow-to-subtree)
                                    (setq fancy-narrow--help-string nil)))))
                      (unless (bound-and-true-p org-sticky-header-mode)
                        (when (fboundp 'org-display-outline-path)

(defun fold-and-focus-fold-and-read-previous-entry (&optional narrow-option)
  "Fold and read previous entry.
If NARROW-OPTION is :reg or :fancy, narrow accordingly."
  (fold-and-focus-fold-and-show-children narrow-option)
  (pcase major-mode
    ('emacs-lisp-mode (outshine-speed-move-safe
    ('org-mode        (outline-previous-visible-heading 1)))
  (fold-and-focus-read-entry narrow-option))

(defun fold-and-focus-fold-and-read-next-entry (&optional narrow-option)
  "Fold and read next entry.
If NARROW-OPTION is :reg or :fancy, narrow accordingly."
  (fold-and-focus-fold-and-show-children narrow-option)
  (pcase major-mode
    ('emacs-lisp-mode (outshine-speed-move-safe
    ('org-mode        (outline-next-visible-heading 1)))
  (fold-and-focus-read-entry narrow-option))

;;;;; The ones to keybind

;;;;;; Navigation by subtree
(defun fold-and-focus-previous ()
  "When in ‘org-mode’ or ‘outshine-mode’: fold all, read previous entry.
No further narrowing."
  (fold-and-focus-check-my-mode this-command)

(defun fold-and-focus-next ()
  "When in ‘org-mode’ or ‘outshine-mode’: fold all, read next entry.
No further narrowing."
  (fold-and-focus-check-my-mode this-command)

(defun fold-and-focus-previous-fancy ()
  "When in ‘org-mode’ or ‘outshine-mode’: fold all, read previous entry.
Fancy-narrow to it."
  (fold-and-focus-check-my-mode this-command)
  (fold-and-focus-fold-and-read-previous-entry :fancy))

(defun fold-and-focus-next-fancy ()
  "When in ‘org-mode’ or ‘outshine-mode’: fold all, read next entry.
Fancy-narrow to it."
  (fold-and-focus-check-my-mode this-command)
  (fold-and-focus-fold-and-read-next-entry :fancy))

(defun fold-and-focus-previous-reg ()
  "When in ‘org-mode’ or ‘outshine-mode’: fold all, read previous entry.
Regular-narrow to it (recursive-narrow is used, if you have it)."
  (fold-and-focus-check-my-mode this-command)
  (fold-and-focus-fold-and-read-previous-entry :reg))

(defun fold-and-focus-next-reg ()
  "When in ‘org-mode’ or ‘outshine-mode’: fold all, read next entry.
Regular-narrow to it (recursive-narrow is used, if you have it)."
  (fold-and-focus-check-my-mode this-command)
  (fold-and-focus-fold-and-read-next-entry :reg))

;;;;;; Navigation by defuns

(defun fold-and-focus-read-previous-defun (&optional narrow-option)
  "In Emacs Lisp mode, move to the beginning of the previous defun.
If NARROW-OPTION is :reg or :fancy, narrow accordingly."
  (fold-and-focus-read--goto-defun 1 2 narrow-option))

(defun fold-and-focus-read-next-defun (&optional narrow-option)
  "In Emacs Lisp mode, move to the beginning of the next defun.
If NARROW-OPTION is :reg or :fancy, narrow accordingly."
  (fold-and-focus-read--goto-defun 2 1 narrow-option))

(defun fold-and-focus-read-previous-defun-fancy ()
  "In Emacs Lisp mode, fancy-narrow to the beginning of the previous defun."
  (fold-and-focus-read--goto-defun 1 2 :fancy))

(defun fold-and-focus-read-next-defun-fancy ()
  "In Emacs Lisp mode, fancy-narrow to the beginning of the next defun."
  (fold-and-focus-read--goto-defun 2 1 :fancy))

(defun fold-and-focus-read-previous-defun-reg ()
  "In Emacs Lisp mode, narrow to the beginning of the previous defun."
  (fold-and-focus-read--goto-defun 1 2 :reg))

(defun fold-and-focus-read-next-defun-reg ()
  "In Emacs Lisp mode, narrow to the beginning of the next defun."
  (fold-and-focus-read--goto-defun 2 1 :reg))

;;;;; See README

(defun fold-and-focus-see-readme (&optional heading narrow)
  "Open fold-and-focus's file.
Search for the file in fold-and-focus.el's directory.

If found, open it read-only.

If optional argument HEADING is passed, try to navigate to the
heading after opening it. HEADING should be a string.

If optional argument NARROW is non-nil, narrow to that heading.
This argument has no effect if HEADING is nil or not found."
  (let ((readme fold-and-focus--readme-org))
    (if (file-exists-p readme)
        (let ((pr (make-progress-reporter
                   (format "Opening %s ... "
                           (abbreviate-file-name readme)))))
          (find-file-read-only readme)
          (when heading
            (fold-and-focus--goto-org-heading heading narrow))
          (progress-reporter-done pr))
      (message "Couldn't find %s's" fold-and-focus--name))))

(defun fold-and-focus--goto-org-heading (heading &optional narrow)
  "Navigate to org HEADING and optionally NARROW to it."
  (let* ((hrx (format "^[*]+ %s" heading))
         (pos (save-match-data
                    (goto-char (point-max))
                    (re-search-backward hrx nil t 1))))))
    (when pos
      (goto-char pos)
      (if (and narrow (fboundp 'org-narrow-to-subtree))
        (recenter-top-bottom 1))
      (when (fboundp 'outline-show-subtree)
      (when (fboundp 'org-flag-drawer)
          (forward-line 1)
          (org-flag-drawer t))))))

;;;;; See News

(defun fold-and-focus-see-news ()
  "See the News in fold-and-focus's file."
  (fold-and-focus-see-readme "News" 'narrow)

(defun fold-and-focus--display-org-subtree ()
  "Selectively display org subtree."
  (let ((cmds '(outline-hide-subtree
    (and (fboundp (nth 0 cmds))
         (fboundp (nth 1 cmds))
         (fboundp (nth 2 cmds))
         (fboundp (nth 3 cmds))
         (mapc #'funcall cmds))))

;;;; Wrapping up

(provide 'fold-and-focus)

;; Local Variables:
;; coding:                     utf-8
;; indent-tabs-mode:           nil
;; sentence-end-double-space:  nil
;; outline-regexp:             ";;;;* "
;; End:

;;; fold-and-focus.el ends here